Congregational Join Form

CUA logo Congregational Membership


This application is for congregations who want to join with the CUA in teaching Christian Universalism, the truly Good News that, Through Christ, all are reconciled to God.

All within the CUA are affiliated by:

Complete independence in terms of governance and operations
Acts of love, respect, caring, and mutual support
Sharing resources, ideas, and leadership training

What the CUA has to offer:

  • Official recognition for congregations on our website, and elsewhere

  • Search assistance for hiring a pastor or chaplain

  • Global fellowship and camaraderie among Christian Universalists

  • Opportunity to expand the number of Christian Universalist congregations

  • Training and recognition as Christian Universalist clergy through the education, and ordination, of both chaplains and congregational clergy

  • College-level Christian Universalist educational program for scholarly believers who are not called into the clergy

  • Identify and promote specific, proven restorative justice models that align with the principles of universal reconciliation

  • Resources to support, understand, and spread the message of universal reconciliation that the restorative love and peacemaking ethics of Jesus frees people to love one another rather than struggling under the burden of religiosity

  • Resources and support, to understand and spread the practice of working toward restorative solutions and responses to conflict and social problems

The CUA is primarily educational, we have no missions nor ministry fund:

  • We do not have a paid Church Planting program

  • We don't pay or support local ministers or missionaries, nor fund local projects

Here's what you need to start the process:

  1. Fill this form out completely

  2. Sign it as pastor, director, chair, or whoever is appropriate for your organization

  3. Your clergy/leaders need to also sign the Statement of Faith & Nondiscrimination, and Code of Conduct, which follow this application.

  4. Email or upload two things (you'll get an email about how to send or upload these):

    1. Your Statement of Faith

    2. Your Vision or Mission Statement (if you are still in the planing stages, and dont have an official mission statement yet, what are your plans for the first year or two?)

Primary Contact Person (Church/office contact info, not personal):

Meeting Address: (not home address, unless a house church)

Mailing Address (only if different):

Check all that you offer:


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